Marcel Pouget
An almost abstract face, framed by powerful features, an expressionist painting by Marcel Pouget dated 1962.
Oil on canvas Signed and dated 1962 lower left Dimensions: 45.5 x 45.5 cm With frame: 48.5 x 48.5 cm
Price: 2,500 euros
Marcel Pouget, one of the leaders of Nouvelle Figuration
Marcel Pouget was one of the leaders of the Nouvelle Figuration movement in the late 50s.
He defined his specific approach as a “Psychopeintre” in 1966.
A work between reality and dream
His works emanate pain and fantasies, alarms, cries of horror or hope.The work is reminiscent of the terrified face in Edvard Munch’s Scream.
Painter, poet, choreographer and filmmaker, Marcel Pouget studied and began painting at the Beaux-Arts in Algiers, then moved to Paris in 1946 at the age of 23, thanks to the generosity of a group of amateurs.He made only brief appearances at the École des Beaux-arts in Paris, preferring to associate with the avant-garde artists of his day – those with ties to the international art movement, including Alechinsky, Appel and Lindström.His paintings are described as “Abstract Expressionist”, a term rejected by Pouget, who prefers the term “New Figuration”. Back in Oran in 1947, Pouget’s style disconcerted his patrons. He returned to Paris for his first metropolitan exhibition. The painter took part in a number of solo and group exhibitions in Parisian and European galleries. He appears at the Salons des Indépendants, d’Automne, de Mai and the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles. He has acquired an international reputation, and his work has been included in numerous exhibitions abroad (Stockholm, The Hague, etc.) and in France (at Galerie Claude Bernard, Galerie Ariel, and in 1966, at La Halle Saint-Pierre in Paris in 2016, etc.). One of his most important exhibitions, Lumière et Ténèbres, organized by Cérès Franco, took place in 1978 at Galerie L’Œil de Bœuf. This was followed by a retrospective exhibition in 1985. Although Marcel Pouget belongs to the expressionist movement of nouvelle figuration, he quickly found his own style. Color is at the heart of his expressionist language. His figures are framed by powerful strokes.As Jacques Busse points out, the one constant in his work is that he contributed to maintaining figuration in a period of prevailing abstraction. A solitary and tormented character, Marcel Pouget died of legionnaire’s disease on December 5, 1985.
Svensson, Pouget, Konstperspektiv, no 3, 1956
Svensson, Pouget, Konstperspektiv, no 3, 1956
-Yvon Taillandier, La Nouvelle Figuration, in Connaissance des arts, 1962.
– Michel Ragon, Nouvelle figuration II – Enrico Baj, John Christoforou, John Hultberg, Bengt Lindström, Jean Messagier, Irving Petlin, Marcel Pouget, Paul Rebeyrolle, Francis Salles, Pierre Tal Coat, Éditions Galerie Mathias Fels, Paris, 1962.
– Ruth Munch, Pouget, Kunst, April 1964.
– René Huyghe of the Académie française and Jean Rudel, L’Art et le monde moderne, tome 2, Larousse, 1970.
-Pouget, psycho-painter, in La Revue, no. 9 and 2, 1973.
– Dictionnaire des artistes contemporains, La Connaissance SA, Brussels, 1972.
See page 94.
See page 94.
– Gérard Xuriguera, Regard sur la peinture contemporaine, Arted, 1983.
– Abécédaire des films sur l’art moderne et contemporain, 1905-1984, Éditions du center Pompidou, 1985.
– Lydia Harambourg, Index des peintres de l’École de Paris, in ”L’École de Paris, 1945-1965 – Dictionnaire des peintres, Ides et Calendes, 1993.
– Gérald Schurr, Le Guidargus de la peinture, Les Éditions de l’Amateur, 1996.
– Emmanuel Bénézit, Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs, Gründ, 1999. See the article by Jacques Busse in Volume 11, page 181.
– Sylvain Lecombre, The French Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Magor Publishing, Skopje, 2015.
– Algiers, Musée des Beaux-Arts – Paris, Centre George Pompidou.
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.
– Grenoble, Museum of Modern Art.
– Vienna, Museum of Modern Art – Belgium, Fondation Veranneman – Sweden, Göteborg, Museum of Fine Arts – Israel, Tel Aviv, Museum of Art.
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.
– Grenoble, Museum of Modern Art.
– Vienna, Museum of Modern Art – Belgium, Fondation Veranneman – Sweden, Göteborg, Museum of Fine Arts – Israel, Tel Aviv, Museum of Art.