Jacqueline Marval (1866 – 1932)
Jacqueline Marval is a painter from the end of the 19th century and the turn of the 20th century. Born in 1866 from a family of teachers near Grenoble, she did not come to painting until late. She moved to Paris in 1895 in Montparnasse, at the heart of artistic life at the end of the century. A seamstress by trade, she was introduced to painting by contact with her companion Jules Flandrin (1871 – 1947), a pupil of Gustave Moreau. He encourages her talent as an observer and colorist. She meets Matisse, Guérin, Laurencin, Camin, Rouault, Marquet and the others.
The artist opens the way to dream and softness in his poetic compositions. A talented painter, she modeled herself on the ideas of Fauvism: breaking perspective, giving density to the pictorial material through color and touch, leaving academic subjects to enhance the verism of the landscape as the dreamlike projections of the mind.
Her paintings were refused at the Salon of 1900, she only exhibited there the following year. At that time, genius collectors and gallery owners Berthe Weill, Ambroise Vollard and Eugène Druet bought and exhibited his work. In February 1902, Jacqueline Marval exhibited alongside Matisse, Marquet, and his companion Flandrin at Berthe Weill, 25 rue Victor Massé. From then on, she took off and exhibited internationally, in Europe, the United States and Asia.
• In France: Nantes fine arts museum, Grenoble fine arts museum (including a portrait of Jules Hippolyte Flandrin by the artist), Nancy fine arts museum, Goya museum in Castres, Mainssieux museum in Voiron, Paul Dini museum in Villefranche-sur-Saône.
• The catalog raisonné is currently being drafted. For more information, see: www.jacqueline-marval.com
• Creation of the Jacqueline Marval committee, see: Le Quotidien de l’Art, Paris, Thursday January 28, 2021, n°2094
• François Roussier, Jacqueline Marval : 1866-1932 , Paris, Thalia Edition, 2008 (reprinted 1987), 407 pages
• cat. exp. Magali Briat-Philippe, Anne Liénard, Pierre-Gilles Girault, Valadon and her contemporaries, Painters and Sculptors 1880-1940 , Limoges Fine Arts Museums, In Fine Art Editions, 2020, 208 pages.
Photo credits:
• Jacqueline Marval in front of the portrait she made of Kiki de Montparnasse, 19 quai Saint-Michel, Paris, around 1925 © Comité Jacqueline Marval
• Jacqueline Marval in her 19 quai Saint-Michel, Paris, in 1920 © Comité Jacqueline Marval